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14 Your flocks and herds
    produced milk and yogurt,
and you got choice meat
from your sheep and goats
    that grazed in Bashan.
Your wheat was the finest,
    and you drank the best wine.

15 Israel,[a] you grew fat and rebelled
    against God, your Creator
you rejected the Mighty Rock,[b]
    your only place of safety.
16 You made God jealous and angry
by worshiping disgusting idols
    and foreign gods.

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  1. 32.15 Israel: The Standard Hebrew Text has “Jeshurun,” a rare name for Israel related to a word meaning “honest.” The Samaritan Hebrew Text and one ancient translation also use “Jacob,” another name for the ancestor of the nation of Israel.
  2. 32.15 Mighty Rock: See the note at 32.4.

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